Jimmy Winkelmann, a 19-year-old college student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, has a pretty wicked sense of humor. You’d have to, growing up with the name Winkelmann. That’s why he started The South Butt, a parody of clothing company The North Face. Whereas The North Face tells its customers to, “Never Stop Exploring,” The South Butt tells customers to, “Never Stop Relaxing.” Apparently, The North Face also has the motto, “Never Have A Sense Of Humor,” because they’re suing the student and his parody company for trademark infringement.
Normally this kind of lawsuit isn’t news, but Winkelmann and his lawyer, Albert Watkins, are making it fun by pumping out quotes like the following, concerning the frivolous nature of the lawsuit: “The South Butt has previously made it clear to The North Face that the consuming public is insightful enough to know the difference between a face and a butt.”
Parody is fun, and should be protected speech, but I’m not sure how the lawyers will decide this one. I’m definitely rooting for The South Butt, though! Good luck, Jimmy!
Image: USA Today
Tags: The North Face, North Face, The South Butt, South Butt, North Face sues South Butt, company sues parody company, clothing, unusual lawsuits, trademark infringement, intellectual property, Jimmy Winkelmann, Albert Watkins