It’s the anti-Christmas, so it goes without saying that I love it to a disturbing degree. Everything about Festivus, the holiday invented by the Costanza family on that classic sitcom Seinfeld, is just perfect in its insanity. From the unadorned aluminum pole known as the Festivus pole to the feats of strength and the airing of grievances, Festivus is just the best holiday. Everyone can get in on the joke that is Festivus, and Festivus is wonderful because anyone regardless of race, religion, or love of tacky sweater can get in on the action. Inventor Spot has all the info you need to celebrate Festivus properly.
If I was going to have a holiday party, it’d be a Festivus party. I’d put up an aluminum pole, I’d have a mat for the feats of strength, and I’d brew up some cocktails. I think that Festivus has gained enough pop culture cachet that it’d be instantly recognizable as a Festivus party, not some kind of stripper thing. Of course, I’m not having a holiday party this year, but there’s always next year!
Tags: holidays, anti-Christmas celebrations, Festivus, Seinfeld, joke holidays, Festivus pole, a Festivus for the rest of us, how to celebrate Festivus