One of the most memorable scenes in Bob Clark’s A Christmas Story is the scene in the Chinese restaurant. The family’s Christmas dinner gets ruined by the Bumpus hounds, so Ralphie, Randy, The Old Man, and Mrs. Parker all head out to the only thing open in Indiana on Christmas: a Chinese restaurant. As it turns out, there are other things open on Christmas other than Chinese places and the movie theater: Here’s a list of 16 attractions that are open for business on Christmas.
Odds are you’re not having some kind of disaster on Christmas that you need to get away from. Most likely you’re sick of your family and looking to get out of the house for awhile before you go stir-crazy. Since we do our Christmas on Christmas Eve, my dad and I are generally looking for something to do on Christmas Day ourselves, so maybe we’ll get lucky and find something going on this December 25th.
Image: A Christmas Story House
Tags: things to do on Christmas day, things open on Christmas day, attractions open on Christmas Day, Christmas Day openings