The troubled heiress to the Johnson & Johnson toiletries fortune, Casey Johnson, passed away yesterday just before noon at her home. Her death is something of a surprise, as she’s only 30 and recently became engaged to fame-seeking Internet model and personality Tila Tequila. She’s the daughter of New York Jets owner Robert Johnson IV and the great-great-grandaughter of Johnson & Johnson’s founder, Robert Wood Johnson. Despite being only 30, she left behind an interesting legacy.
For example, she wrote a book with her father about her struggle with diabetes. She was friends with the Hiltons, and was the mother of an adopted toddler daughter named Ava. She also had a legendary drug habit and a knack for getting in trouble with the law. Shame to see a child orphaned (again), but obviously Johnson wasn’t a fit parent given her personal problems and acting out.
Tags: Casey Johnson, Johnson & Johnson, soap heiress dead, Tila Tequila, Johnson & Johnson heiress dead, celebrities, socialites, obituaries