I think we’re all familiar with airport security. Everyone who has ever flown has been subject to every sort of X-ray, interview, pat-down, feel-up, and shake-down imaginable. However, that security was downright cold and distant compared to what happens to travelers at Japan’s Narita International Airport. You see, that’s one of the only airports in the world that uses fever scanners to uncover sick travelers.
I have no doubt this is going to catch on. Just in general I think people moving from one country to another should be screened for diseases as a matter of course, if only to lessen the impact of pandemics. It’s really a good idea, especially with the doctors on hand to give secondary health screenings and evaluations to separate the simple cold from the guy dying from the Ebola virus. I imagine this’ll be coming to an airport near you sooner, rather than later.
Tags: Japan, Narita International Airport, fever scanners, Tokyo, health care, unusual health news, medical screening at airport, fever screener, airport health scanners