I am a longtime evangelist of the electric blanket. To me, nothing says a good night’s sleep quite like a cold room and a warm bed. Just something about that combination allows me to drift right off for a nice nap, if nothing else. That’s the logic behind Holiday Inn’s novel plan to get a leg up in the crowded hotel industry. However, rather than having electric blankets, they plan on having human electric blankets.
In a novel promotion, Holiday Inn will send someone in a special all-in-one sleeper suit to curl up in your bed for five minutes to heat the sheets up properly. It’s starting at the end of January, and will no doubt be very popular as there’s nothing as refreshing and relaxing as a hot bed on a cold night. I’d imagine putting a bellboy into a fuzzy jumpsuit is a lot cheaper than buying actual electric blankets; as for the bellhop, I imagine most of them would love to be paid to sleep on the job!
Tags: marketing ploys, unusual gimmicks, human bed warmers, people-warmed beds in hotel rooms, Holiday Inn, London, Manchester, England, free bed warmers