As a relatively new invention, the Internet has gone from a loose collection of servers mashed together by the US Department of Defense to a worldwide collection of basically everything possible. Video, text, chat, email, writing, news, music… everything is accessible, and everything is becoming more and more web-centric as our various electronic devices mature and mutate into forms unimaginable even 10 years ago. While nobody knows what the Web will be in the future, here are some educated guesses as to where it’ll be next year and in the years to come.
These are some solid answers, and most of them are actually pretty obvious. I mean, did anyone think even 5 years ago that people would be accessing the Internet on phones from anywhere in the world? No way! That’s science-fiction stuff! It only seems reasonable that as data networks improve and cost drops that more and more devices not computers will be going online. Given the growth of MySpace and Facebook and the like, it’s also not a stretch to see those phones and tablets and netbooks signing into social networks. Probably automatically.
Still, the numbers the article provides are staggering in scope. The future is Facebook-type environments, as much as it pains me to consider that. The future is video and sound, not the written word. But hey, until then, make sure you tell your friends about PopFi!
Tags: Internet, World Wide Web, the Web of tomorrow, the future of the internet, internet trends, social media, tablet computing, wireless internet, wifi, trends