With the Winter Olympics approaching soon, you’d think that Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada would be a winter wonderland, with fluffy white snow everywhere, kids making snowmen, and all sorts of fun snow-based activities. You’d be wrong. While there’s snow everywhere else in the northern hemisphere right now, including great swaths of America, there’s nothing but rain in Vancouver. So, to continue on with the Winter Olympics, officials are getting snow by any means necessary.
Snow machines are going night and day. Helicopters are bombing the area with big buckets of snow brought in from elsewhere. Trucks are bringing it in by the bucketful. People are scrambling to bring in snow to make this event happen. Officials are discovering that, when it comes to weather forecasting, you can’t tell what’s going to happen next week, let alone eight years into the future. That makes picking a Winter Olympics venue problematic. Then again, they had the same problem for the 1964 Innsbruck Olympics, so they should be prepared for this.
Tags: Winter Olympics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, making snow, no snow for Winter Olympics, trucking in snow, rainy season, winter sports