It’s one of the everyday experiences that we all have to get used to dealing with. The great equalizer is waiting in line. At the grocery store, at the bank, or just about anywhere you go, you’re gonna be standing around in a long trail with a bunch of other people. It’s just part of the Western world and, according to immigration officials in the UK, a necessary skill to teach new immigrants. Jo Bryant from DeBrett’s has put together a definitive guide to queuing correctly.
Apparently, in most of the world, waiting in line is a foreign concept. The key to getting services there is to push your way to the front and fight to stay there. Now, standing in orderly fashion is joining David Blunkett’s Life in the UK as one of the most important components of British life.
Tags: unusual citizenship classes, how to wait in line, how to queue, Great Britain, Life in the UK, David Blunkett, Jo Bryant, DeBrett’s, guide to standing in line, etiquette