Mark Burstiner was a part-time, non-exempt employee at Apple’s flagship Fifth Avenue Apple Store in New York City. When someone dropped a Snapple bottle and cracked one of the flagship’s big glass stairs (they have a big glass spiral staircase), within a week men from Seele, the contractors who put the stairs in, were there to replace it. Sensing a chance to get a piece of history, Mark asked them for the stair and they agreed he could have it, as it was just sitting out in the store’s trash can. Now he’s getting harassed by Seele (on Apple’s behalf) for his eBay auction of the cracked hunk of plexiglass.
If Apple didn’t want someone to end up with the step, they should’ve broken it on the spot with a hammer or something. If Seele did wrong by letting someone take the step from the garbage, then they should’ve instructed their representative contractors not to leave the step out on the curb. To go after a guy and threaten him with lawsuits over a piece of 18-month-old junk is just insane. I mean, if Apple wants it that bad, they just need to go win the eBay auction. It’s up for sale and Apple has deep enough pockets to buy it outright.
Tags: huge glass stair from New York Apple store auctioned, unusual auctions, eBay, apple store, Seele, Mark Burstiner, unusual lawsuits, New York City, New York