Normally, when cops are drinking, bad things happen, like threatening haunted house workers with weapons. However, when the police force of Toledo, Ohio, wanted to administer some sobriety tests at the academy, all they had to do was ask for volunteers. The Montgomery County cops were then allowed to get good and drunk on duty, so fellow officers could administer the standard line-walking and alphabet field sobriety examination.
We’re not talking a couple of beers here. We’re talking glassy-eyed, stumbling, slurring, absolutely bombed level drunk. Talk about your on-the-job training. Talk about your perks! I wonder, did the senior cops get to pick who got to drink? Were the drunks based on seniority? How do you choose who gets to drink on the job and who is stuck administering the sobriety tests? These are the things people want to know!
Tags: police officers getting drunk on duty, cops drinking on duty, drunk cops, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, cops drinking to do field sobriety tests, field sobriety tests, drunk driving