You have to hand it to PETA. There is not an organization more dedicated to its cause. Of course, in this case, the cause of PETA is to promote PETA. Just a few days after their planned Tiger Woods neutering billboard gets rejected in Florida, PETA’s German wing is in the news for their drive to get an incestuous polar bear neutered. That bear is the world-famous Knut, the cute little polar bear who has survived a myriad of tragedies, shot to world fame due to his adorable nature, and now shares a cage with his cousin Giovanna in the Berlin Zoo.
Frank Albrecht says that Knut is too closely related to his cousin to mate with her, and so he should be emasculated to prevent this from harming polar bear biodiversity. Metro quotes one zookeeper as saying, “First they wanted to kill him, then they want to castrate him, If PETA are animal lovers they have a very strange way of showing it.”
Tags: Knut, polar bears, famous animals, unusual animals, PETA, publicity stunts, neutered Knut, incest, genetic diversity, Frank Albrecht