If you’re not pleased with the speed of your broadband Internet access, you’re not alone. Most Americans are unhappy with something about broadband, which costs a great deal to purchase for the end user and costs a great deal for the provider to wire up for. That’s why only about 65% of American households have high speed Internet access. However, the FCC is aiming to change that by announcing what they call the National Broadband Plan.
The goal is a simple one: create the world’s largest broadband market. They want 90 percent of America’s homes connected to a high speed Internet network by 2020. If that’s not ambitious enough, they also want to boost the speed of the Internet access from 3.9 megabits per second to 100 megabits per second for 100 percent of broadband customers. Of course, the plan doesn’t do anything about the cost of broadband, which is why most people don’t get it at home, but hopefully that will come with time and Google’s Fiber For Communities plan.
Image: Business Week
Tags: broadband internet, FCC, government plans to invest in ultra-high-speed internet, internet access, National Broadband Plan, improving US broadband access, creating the world’s largest broadband market