The Boy Scouts are one of those classic groups that everybody recognizes. Youngsters in their natty little green outfits, sashes decorated with merit badges announcing various achievements. Well, there’s a new set of achievements available, but you won’t have to go outside to get it. Joining such classics as making a fire and basket weaving is a modern Boy Scout merit award for video games. While it’s not a merit badge, per se, it is a merit belt loop and a merit pin.
The achievement isn’t exactly for scoring points or killing dragons, but for learning how to incorporate video games into an otherwise healthy and normal lifestyle, according to the achievement guidelines. To earn the belt loop, the young scout (the belt and pin are for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos) must learn why video game ratings are needed, make sure all their games are appropriate for their age, and develop and follow a schedule to balance school, chores, and games. There are additional requirement for earning your video games pin.
This is not a good idea, this is a great idea. It’s easy for people to get hooked on video games, so teaching children the joys of moderation in all things from an early age is crucial to help the kid develop a normal life. The school system is letting kids down, so someone has to teach these kids how to lead a balanced life.
Tags: Boy Scouts, BSA, Boy Scouts of America, merit pin, new merit achievements for video games, video games, Boy Scouts have video game badge, belt loop, boy scout belt loop for gaming