Want to see one of the most disturbing names I’ve ever read? Well, a 22-year-old woman from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, has changed her name. Ceejay Epton is how she was born; now thanks to a legal deed poll declaration, she’s officially changed her name to the very complicated, very long, and very strange Ceejay A Apple B Boat C Cat D Dog E Elephant F Flower G Goat H House I Igloo J Jellyfish K Kite L Lion M Monkey N Nurse O Octopus P Penguin Q Queen R Robot S Sun T Tree U Umbrella V Violin W Whale X X-Ray Y Yo-Yo Z Zebra Terryn Feuji-Sharemi. Why did she do this?
“My friend wanted to be called ‘Pink’, so I thought I might as well change my name too,” said the young mother. “I’ve just had a baby, so I thought I would change it to help teach him the alphabet.” It’s noteworthy, even in a country with people named Stormhammer Deathclaw Firebrand and Mrs. Lorraine Darla I Hate Thomas Cook And Its Associates Big Shot Company Treading on the Little Guy Leeks.
“We get people applying for all kinds of crazy name changes all the time but this one really is different, even for us,’ said Legal Deed Poll Service chief executive Jamie Jackson. “We wish ‘Miss Alphabet’ the best of luck and bet her little boy will know the entire alphabet in next to no time.”
Tags: Miss Alphabet, unusual names, Ceejay Epton, Legal Deed Poll Service, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England, woman changes her name to have a word for each letter of the alphabet, weird names, Ceejay A Apple B Boat C Cat D Dog E Elephant F Flower G Goat H House I Igloo J Jellyfish K Kite L Lion M Monkey N Nurse O Octopus P Penguin Q Queen R Robot S Sun T Tree U Umbrella V Violin W Whale X X-Ray Y Yo-Yo Z Zebra Terryn Feuji-Sharemi, strange people, strange names