A meeting of Google's Council Of Evil.
Once upon a time, James Brown said, “I’m bad; I’m nationwide.” Well, Google CEO Eric Schmidt is saying, “Google TV‘s bad; it’s worldwide.” Not bad as in bad, bad as in good. As for worldwide, well, Google TV is slated for an international roll-out in 2011 with the desire to convert all TV set makers into Google Web TV salesmen by providing the software free to whatever manufacturer wants it. Giving things away helps you get into new markets, that’s for sure.
As for Google, their first target will be the United States. Sony was the first company to sign on to carry Google’s television platform, which merges YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon video on demand with the standard TV set via Google Chrome, thanks to a technology partnership with Intel and Logitech. Also along for the distribution ride is DISH Network (which will be looking to add Google TV capabilities to their set-top boxes) and, potentially, Samsung, which is increasingly looking for reasons to pick fights with Apple and has found yet another one with this Apple TV competitor.
Tags: Eric Schmidt, Google, Google TV, Google Television, Google Web TV, Samsung, Sony, Intel, Logitech, DISH Network, Google TV to go worldwide in 2011, television, entertainment