A few years ago, my father had laser eye surgery to correct his vision. It’s a wonderful thing, because he went from needing incredibly strong glasses and being nearly legally blind to being able to see without glasses, which is incredible given how bad his eyesight was prior to the laser treatment. John Matthews, when he had a couple of spots obscuring his left eye, figured it was time to pay a visit to his eye doctor. His ophthalmologist referred him to the experts at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, who did some tests, then promptly booked Matthews to have laser surgery to remove the worm from his eyeball.
That’s right, Matthews had worms in his eye! The unusual parasites, Matthews says, came from one of two places. Either he got them while out turkey hunting, or he got them while in Mexico. (I’m leaning towards B, because Mexico is a great place to inadvertently end up with all kinds of wonderful parasites.) Grossly, Matthews said that he “could see it (the parasite) from behind, moving, trying to dodge the laser.”
Animal Planet taped a segment on Matthews and his eye worms. Hopefully, it’ll be on TV soon, because I have to see more about this weirdly fascinating story!
Tags: man has laser surgery to remove worm in his eye, eye worms, John Matthews, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Animal Planet, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, unusual surgeries, parasites, eye worm removed with lasers, laser eye surgery