The old record was 19 bungee jumps in an hour; James Field not only broke that record, he smashed it. Dare-devil James Field of the UK Bungee Club fell from a tower in Central London a staggering 42 times in a single hour. That’s a jump every 1.4 minutes for over an hour, with the platform being lowered every time and the bungee cord being replaced after every single jump! That pace alone makes my head hurt, I can only imagine what James was going through.
“It was a case of focusing, because you’ve got a lot of blood rushing to your head. It was a lot harder than I expected but you just have to get into the rhythm. I was having to get my breath back each time I went back up.” Added Field, “I think that’s easily my quota of jumps for the year.”
You know, there are safer ways of getting a world record. You could learn to sing or perhaps fly paper airplanes. Anything’s got to be better than hurling yourself off a platform 42 times in a row. Then again, where’s the fun if you’re not constantly risking death?
Tags: James Field, world records, weird world records, man makes 42 bungee jumps in 60 minutes, 42 bungee jumps in an hour, Guinness World Records, UK Bungee Club, London, England, stunts, weird world records, bungee jumping world record