Jessica Olmstead isn’t your average teenage girl, unless of course your average teenage girl is Buffy the Alligator Slayer or one of the other teen hunters who routinely shoots and kills dangerous animals like bears. However, what sets Jessica apart from other bear-killing kids is that Jessica did her shooting from 16 yards away with a freaking bow and arrow. That’s right, a 17-year-old girl killed a bear with an arrow.
Jessica bagged the bear, a 448-pound black bear, while on a hunting trip in Oba, Ontario. Jessica and her hunter father Tim brought the bear back home to Battle Creek, Michigan, so as to make proper use of the animal. Jessica and her father eat what they kill, so they’ll be eating bear steaks for quite some time. Tim, understandably, is very proud of his daughter. Who wouldn’t be? Well, besides PETA and other animal rights activists.
“When I go out hunting, it’s really exciting,” said Jessica of her adventure. “Whenever I see a bear I just want to go at it. When you’re hunting, your heart is racing, your blood is pumping, and you feel that adrenaline rush. I really love to hunt.”
Tags: Jessica Olmstead, Tim Olmstead, 17-year-old girl kills bear with bow and arrow, bow and arrow hunting, teenager kills 448-pound bear, teen kills bear with bow and arrow, Battle Creek, Michigan, unusual hunters, teen hunter, big-game hunter