Just imagine. It’s 1985. Ronald Reagan is the President. Cigarette smoking is still good for you. A young Marty McFly went back in time to November 6, 1955, to make sure his parents (Crispin Glover and Lea Thompson) had sex and ensure young Marty would be born. Or something like that, it’s been awhile since I watched Back To The Future. Either way, 25 years ago TODAY, Marty McFly went back in time on the first-ever Back to the Future day.
Sometimes, it’s hard to remember I freaking grew up with Back to the Future. It’s one of those movies that, when you haven’t seen it for awhile, you really forget just how well-done it is. A lot of people throw around words like timeless, but BTTF truly is a timeless movie, if only because it’s a movie about traveling through time. I’m going to have to get my hands on the DVD of that sometime soon, so I can watch it again; I haven’t seen it since college, when we spent one BTTF Time Travel Day watching the entire trilogy, back to back.
Tags: Back to the Future, Back to the Future Day, 25th Anniversary of Back to the Future, Michael J. Fox, Robert Zemeckis, time travel, movies, cult classics, sci-fi movies, comedies, best movies of all time, October 26 1985, Marty McFly, Time Travel Day