The reign of Hosni Mubarak is in trouble, and no amount of creative photo manipulation can save his regime now. This is either going to end in an Egyptian democracy or a brutal crackdown on dissent, and there’s not much in the way of a happy medium. As the rioting and conflict increase and the Egyptian government tightens restrictions, countries are beginning to pull their citizens from Egypt. The United States State Department is preparing to evacuate thousands of Americans from Egypt for their own safety.
The chartered flights are leaving Cairo, Egypt, as we speak. Possible destinations for US citizens are Athens, Greece; Istanbul, Turkey; and Nicosia, Cyprus. According to Assistant Secretary of State Janice Jacobs, the evacuation of American citizens may take several days and will require a great deal of chartered flights to handle the demand. There are an estimated 52,000 Americans in Egypt, with untold numbers not registering with the State Department or US embassies. The US is considering expanding its flight locations should demand be great enough in other Egyptian cities.
Evacuated citizens will be paying for their trip out of Egypt; similarly, once the US citizens end up in Europe, they are responsible for their own trips back to the US. Those with commercial flights should check with their airline for information about leaving the country.
Tags: US embassy, United States to evacuate citizens from Egypt, Egypt evacuation, US to evacuate citizens from Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, evacuations, diplomatic issues, Janice Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State, US evacuates citizens from Egypt, democracy, State Department