There are bad ideas, and then there’s sailing off the coast of Africa’s pirate capital, Somalia. While sailing from the Maldives to the Red Sea, a Danish yacht was hijacked by Somalian pirates with an entire family aboard. Seven people, including two deckhands, the parents, and three teenagers (ages 13, 15, and 17) were captured off the coast of Somalia while undertaking a round-the-world voyage.
People just aren’t getting it. If you don’t have anti-pirate defenses or you’re not a capital warship, don’t go near Somalia. That whole area of the ocean is pretty much not the place to go unless you want to get captured by pirates and possibly shot to death. Yes, the family was able to get off a distress call and the Dutch have sent a navy warship to the area to negotiate with the pirates, but the fact that you got yourself into this position is your own fault. You’re taking your safety into your own hands when you decided to do something like this anyway, but to just sail right into hijacking territory is just asking for trouble.
Here’s hoping there’s a good outcome for these guys, but either way it’s not going to be fun.
Tags: pirates, Somalia, Somalian pirates hijack Danish yacht, Danish yacht with three teenagers hijacked, yacht hijacked by pirates, ING, seven people hijacked by Somalian pirates, Somalian pirates highjack family yacht, yacht hijacking, African pirates, family captured by pirates