A Brit named Simon Ledger was arrested by Hampshire Police on the Isle of Wight after performing “Kung Fu Fighting” at the Driftwood Beach Bar. His crime? He performed the song in front of two Chinese people who happened to be in the audience. They were offended, went to the police, and now the whole thing is in the hands of the courts. Apparently, singing the song “Kung Fu Fighting” is now racist.
“We were performing Kung Fu Fighting, as we do during all our sets,” said the 34-year-old Ledger to The Sun. “People of all races were loving it, Chinese people have never been offended before.”
Amusingly, Ledger was eating in a Chinese restaurant when he was phoned by the police asking to meet him. He was later arrested and questioned, then bailed out of jail. “Kung Fu Fighting,” a 1974 hit around the world as performed by the Jamaican-born Douglas (and produced by an Indian in London, thus making it a Jamacian-British-Chinese-Indian joint), is a staple in martial arts films and one of the catchiest disco songs ever recorded. If you don’t believe me, just try to get it out of your head after listening to it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhUkGIsKvn0Tags: Simon Ledger, Carl Douglas, Kung Fu Fighting, man singing Kung Fu Fighting arrested on racism charges, Kung Fu Fighting racist, Isle of Wight, Driftwood Beach Bar, Hampshire Police, man arrested for singing Kung Fu Fighting, Kung Fu Fighting racist, racist songs, song accused of racism, karaoke, karaoke singer arrested