When the short-form certificate of live birth wasn’t enough, President Barack Obama ignored his Birther critics for YEARS. Meanwhile, Hawaii changes its state laws to stop the requests for Obama’s birth certificate and the calls for Obama to come forth with his official, long-form birth certificate increased to a deafening roar thanks to muck-rakers and fame-hungry celebrities. Well, in a victory for obnoxious complainers and conspiracy nuts everywhere, President Obama has released his long-form birth certificate after flying an aide to Hawaii to pick up some certified copies.
Here’s my question: why did it take so long for Obama and company to actually do this? Could it be because they were using the Birther contingent as a way to slander their critics, implying that ALL of Obama’s critics are as dumb as Birthers? Is it because Obama was hoping the whole thing would go away (naively)? Or is it because the birth certificate thing could be used as a shield to cover up something else he doesn’t want people/the press to notice he’s doing in the background so he gives them this nugget to chew on?
I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I don’t trust politicians when it comes to stuff like this. Where there’s smoke, there’s a smokescreen; my question is, what’s going on that we’re not supposed to notice in the furor around Obama’s birth certificate?
Tags: Barack Obama, Obama, Hawaii, Donald Trump, Obama releases birth certificate, Barack Obama birth certificate, Obama birth certificate controversy, birthers, Obama releases long form birth certificate, long form birth certificate released by Obama