When it comes to cats or dogs, I’m definitely on Team Dog.
They can be heroes like the dogs that use their highly sensitive snouts to sniff for bombs or help find victims buried in rubble after a disaster collapses buildings. Throughout history there have been dogs used by the military including samurai dogs. There is even a case when a pooch held the civic title of mayor.
They can do be relied upon to help with work whether acting as herding dogs or in hunting or in pest control.
I once had a helpful dog that would fetch my practice whiffle balls while I tried to work on my golf game in the back yard.
However, there are plenty of goofy dogs like dashing dachshunds and I’ve owned my fair share of less than helpful canines, but they’ve all been great companions. The version of man’s best friend in this video falls more into that category.
In a public place, a playful pooch wants to start a game of fetch, but the partner he’s chosen isn’t cooperating.