In the old days, World of Warcraft used to hook people by giving them a free 14-day trial. If you had a friend who played, maybe you’d get a free month. Either way, it was just long enough to hook people and make WoW a full-fledged cultural phenomenon. But that wasn’t enough for the diabolical geniuses at Blizzard and parent company Activision, so they’ve turned up the stakes. World of Warcraft is now free to play until Level 20.
The last WoW expansion, Cataclysm, sold 3.3 million copies in one day. As if that wasn’t enough for Blizzard, they go and do something like this. By making the world completely free for the first quarter-ish of the game, they’re doing a twofold purpose. For one, it makes people more likely to roll a bunch of different characters, level them to 20, and find one they like. For two, it makes old subscribers (like me) more likely to roll a new character to go see just what’s going on with Blizzard’s new worlds.
It’s really hard to fight off that urge, especially since I thought I’d quit WoW for good last year.
Tags: WoW, World of Warcraft, Warcraft, Blizzard, Activision, World of Warcraft free to level 20, World of Warcraft free, video games, RPGs, role-playing games, MMORPGs