Jon Hutt can get you a toe, Dude.
Jon Hutt is a tough guy. He’s a crane operator by day, and for fun, he’s an amateur logger who has worked as a miner, worked at a saw mill, and grew up on a ranch as a child. Needless to say, the 61-year-old man from Denver is tougher than a $4 steak and not the kind of guy to panic or be phased by adversity. While gathering some falling aspen trees for firewood, his six-ton trailer slipped and crushed his foot, trapping him. Jon Hutt didn’t panic; he grabbed his three-inch pocket knife and cut his own toes off, then stopped the bleeding with his shirt and drove himself to his home in Montrose, Colorado, to wait for the ambulance.
“I cut off my boot to see my foot, and once I realized how bad it was, I started cutting off my toes,” said Hutt. “It hurt so bad; I would cut for a while and then I had to rest.” When Hutt finally got to the hospital, he left his wife a message: “Please call, I cut my foot off.”
Unfortunately for Hutt, doctors weren’t able to reattach his toes because he did such a good job cutting them off. Looks like toe-texting is no longer one of his options, but I doubt Hutt cares. When you have to choose between having toes and being dead, or not having toes and being alive… well, I think we know what wins there, right? No matter how you slice it, this guy is one bad dude. I would not want to mess with Jon Hutt.
Tags: Jon Hutt, logger cuts off his own toes, logger cuts off toes to escape fallen log, logger trapped by tree cuts off his own toes, logger cuts off toes, Montrose, Colorado, tough men, stories of survival, man cuts toes off with 3-inch pocket knife, unusual accidents, man cuts toes off, unusual people, tough guys