Lawyers are way down there with politicians and used car salesmen at the bottom of the People You Can Trust Poll.
I think everyone has a go-to “I hate lawyers” joke. Stories about a lawyer asking for a continuance so he can watch a ballgame or suing to be able to bring candy into a courtroom don’t help with their public image.
The latest news coming out of one of the most prestigious law schools in America won’t increase that level of faith in their skills one bit.
After many reports of struggles and difficulties, Washington University in St. Louis had to e-mail its students and post a YouTube video to teach them how to use the combination locks on their assigned lockers.
Yep, these genius law students didn’t know to start at 0, turn clockwise to the first number, then counterclockwise to the second number and then back to the right to the third number. Maybe they got tripped up by having to turn past the second number and then going all the way back around to it. Call me crazy, but I thought just about everyone over the age of 13 knew how to crack open a combination lock.
The lock technology must be too low-tech for this generation. They must have been expecting to create an unhackable 10-character password that includes a number, a character and a capital letter. The only lock they apparently know is the Caps Lock key on their laptop.
Obviously, if the law school thing doesn’t work out for these students, a career as a locksmith is out of the question. They stand no chance of winning a lock picking competition.
Here’s their instructional video for those still a little confused about how to open their locker.