It’s strange to think this way, but did you know that Android is the most popular smartphone system on the market? Seriously, the numbers agree! RIM is number one, and Android is in second place after passing the iPhone in market share. BlackBerry is serious business, and Research In Motion knows this and depends on this. That’s why the troubling scope of the worldwide BlackBerry outage is causing RIM some sleepless nights.
“Right now we’re letting you down,” admitted RIM’s Chief Information Officer Robin Bienfait in a statement on the company’s website. “We are taking this very seriously and have people around the world working around the clock to address this situation. We believe we understand why this happened and we are working to restore normal service levels in all markets as quickly as we can.”
RIM works out of two main centers, one in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and the other in Slough, England. For three days, the English side has had trouble with BlackBerry’s incredibly popular Messenger service having delays and web browsing being impossible, and now it appears that those troubles are spreading across the pond. Still, BlackBerry seems to be hard at work to stop the problem before it starts.
Tags: BlackBerry, Waterloo, Ontario, Slough, England, BlackBerry outage, BlackBerry outage hits the US, Research In Motion, RIM, BlackBerry hit by technical problems, Robin Bienfait, BlackBerry suffers messaging and internet outage, BlackBerry broken