I'm gaining weight just looking at the Heart Attack Grill.
When you operate a restaurant in which people over 350 pounds eat free, this kind of thing is going to happen. At the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, Nevada, the Triple Bypass Burger nearly lived up to its name one Saturday night. A 40-year-old man walks into the Heart Attack Grill, orders a Triple Bypass, and then promptly has an actual heart attack at the table. The store called paramedics and the man was rushed to the hospital; his condition is not known.
“We make fun of coronary issues every day; it’s how I make my living,” said Heart Attack Grill owner Jon Basso. “If this happened at the Olive Garden, nobody would care. People have heart attacks in restaurants every day. Everybody wants to sell a story. “I don’t know what to tell you. We don’t really want people to have a heart attack. I would be so happy to go out of business. That will be when the very last junk food addict decides to go straight.”
You have to admit that it is a fun story, especially when you consider that the wait staff wears medical scrubs and has stethoscopes. Their entire menu is built around incredibly greasy, fatty, and unhealthy food, which is one of the store’s trademarks. That one of their fans had a heart attack should surprise no one; after all, their spokesman died of a massive coronary.
Tags: las vegas, nevada, heart attack grill, triple bypass burger, triple bypass sandwich, man has heart attack at heart attack grill, irony, unusual events, health news, food, unusual food, jon basso, heart attack grill customer has heart attack, fast food, medical-themed restaurant