Creflo Dollar dollar bills, y'all.
Creflo A. Dollar is a powerful, influential man. One of the many preachers of the so-called prosperity gospel, Dollar has turned the World Changers Church International in the College Park suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, into a powerhouse megachurch with over 30,000 members and a bunch of satellite churches. He’s a very rich man due to his investments and a horse farm; he’s also accused of child abuse. According to police reports, Creflo Dollar’s 15-year-old daughter alleges her father hit her with a shoe, punched, and choked her during an altercation. Dollar denies all charges; the 15-year-old’s story is corroborated by her 19-year-old sister.
“I want you all to hear personally from me that all is well in the Dollar household,” said Dollar from the pulpit on Sunday, to cheers of support from his congregation. “The truth is that a family conversation with our youngest daughter got emotional. And emotions got involved and things escalated from there. The truth is she was not choked, she was not punched. There were not any scratches on her neck. But the only thing on her neck was a prior skin abrasion from eczema. Anything else is exaggeration and sensationalism.”
Dollar got the vision for his church in 1986, and the50-year-old father of 5 built his ministry from an initial service of 8 people into a massive organization. According to the prosperity gospel, God blesses followers with earthly riches; preachers of the prosperity gospel typically use themselves as examples of this.
Tags: Atlanta, College Park, Georgia, Creflo Dollar, Creflo Dollar arrested, Creflo Dollar arrested for child abuse, Creflo Dollar child abuse, Creflo Dollar choked daughter, prosperity gospel, World Changers Church International, unusual crimes, pastor arrested, unusual criminals, accused criminals