“No Easy Day” is the story of how SEAL Team Six killed Osama.
The night Osama Bin Laden was killed is a night that will live in infamy. When the United States special operations team SEAL Team Six took down the world’s most-wanted man in an operation dubbed Operation Neptune Spear, it was global news. Still, despite the newsworthiness of the event, not much is known about the raid on the Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound of Osama Bin Laden. Even though someone live-tweeted the raid that killed Osama, the actual news from the boots on the ground has been kept closely under wraps on the order of the Department of Defense. Well, apparently that gag order is being circumvented. A Navy SEAL using the pseudonym Mark Owen has teamed with author Kevin Maurer to release a tell-all about the night Obama had Osama killed.
The book will be called, “No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama Bin Laden,” and it will be released on September 11, 2012. According to Pentagon regulations, all books containing potentially sensitive information written by military personnel must be reviewed by the Defense Department before publication. According to the Pentagon, no copies of the book have been submitted for review yet. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, but it’s still quite a risk for the publishers to square off against the Obama administration.
“The book was vetted by a former special operations attorney. He vetted it for tactical, technical, and procedural information as well as information that could be considered classified by compilation and found it to be without risk to national security,” says Dutton spokeswoman Christine Ball; Dutton is a division of Penguin Group (USA).
Tags: department of defense, osama bin laden, navy seal to write osama bin laden book, osama bin laden tell-all book, navy seal to write book about bin laden raid, navy seals, seal team six, mark owen, kevin maurer, dutton, christine ball, No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama Bin Laden, penguin group, september 11, national security, seal who killed osama bin laden to write book, seal team six member to write a book, operation neptune spear