Earl Jones is not a man to be trifled with, because he’ll kill you.
In rural Boone County, 92-year-old Earl Jones maintains a massive farm in an isolated part of the state of Kentucky. He’s lived on this farm since 1955, and has lived by himself since 2006 when his wife Virginia Pearl passed away. Indeed, being so far out in the country has left him a target for thieves. He had 90 head of cattle stolen in April, and in August he had thousands of dollars and a television stolen. When the nonagenarian heard intruders rummaging around in his basement, he was prepared for the worst. The senior citizen sat in his living room, waiting for 20 minutes with his rifle in his hand. When the first crook, 24-year-old Lloyd “Adam” Maxwell kicked in the door, he found himself catching a bullet in the chest. A 92-year-old farmer killed a burglar in self-defense, proving that some skills never fade.
Maxwell’s accomplices, Ryan Dalton, 22, and Donnie Inabnit, 20, grabbed their wounded friend and fled in terror from the elderly farmer and part-time super hero. Jones’ shooting appears to be justified under Kentucky’s version of the Castle Doctrine.
“These people aren’t worth any more to me than a groundhog. They have our country in havoc. We got so many damned crooked people walking around today. “It was simple. That man was going to take my life. He was hunting me. I was protecting myself,” says the feisty WWII veteran, who grew up a hunter and served in the United States Air Force. Adds Jones, “I was hoping another one would come up. I aimed right for his heart… I didn’t go to war for nothing. I have the right to carry a gun.”
Indeed, the double-tough senior, who works on his 500-acre farm, initially refused to put his hands up for the police, reportedly telling officers, “I’m not putting my damn hands up.” He eventually complied, and police took his rifle as part of their investigation. Hopefully, he’ll get his weapon back soon, because I’d hate to think of what he’d do to those kids with his bare hands if they ever came back to rob him a fourth time.
Tags: earl jones, boone county, kentucky, 92-year-old kills intruder, wwii veteran kills home invader, lloyd maxwell, Ryan Dalton, Donnie Inabnit, castle doctrine, 92-year-old shoots intruder, burglars, home invasion, unusual crimes, unusual criminals, law and order, home defense