Earlier this month, Apple set the tech world abuzz with the introduction of the iPhone 5s. It isn’t just the new gold color that’s receiving a lot of attention, but the new “Touch ID” system installed on the phone. Predictably, many in the community have taken the security measures to task and have set about finding more, err, “secure” ways of using the identification system. Inspired by others using toes, nipples, and cats’ paws, one tech writer has reportedly used his genitals to unlock his iPhone 5s.
The writer, Andrew Couts, stated that he was able to register his private part “with relative ease.” Explaining that using a fingerprint for security was a flawed method, Couts went on to say, “Your manhood may be the most secure option you have.” Secure, yes, but one has to wonder how practical such an option is. Or sanitary. It probably makes for a neat drunken party trick, though.
Understandably, Apple has offered no comment.
Tags: iphone 5s, iphone 5s touch ID, apple touch ID, iphone 5s users register other body parts with touch ID, man unlocks iphone 5s with genitals, andrew couts