Tom Clancy on board the USS Yorktown in 1988.
If all you know of Tom Clancy is submarines, then you should probably revisit his work. The author, who practically invented the technothriller genre, was definitely a talent at his craft. Nobody put in that much research, and nobody worked harder to get all the little details right when it comes to the military fiction genre. Clancy seemed to know a lot of people in a lot of places both high and low, and it showed in his work. Unfortunately, the original works of Tom Clancy will soon be drawing to an end. Tom Clancy has passed away at age 66 at a hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. No cause of death information has been revealed.
“It was an honor to know Tom Clancy and to work on his fantastic books,” said G.P. Putnam’s Sons president and publisher Ivan Held. “He was ahead of the news curve and sometimes frighteningly prescient. To publish a Tom Clancy book was a thrill every time. He will be missed by everyone at Putnam and Berkley, and by his fans all over the world.”
Indeed, Clancy was wildly successful for Putnam and its various imprints. Some 17 of his 28 books were best-sellers, and his upcoming book Command Authority will no doubt be a big hit, too. Between his books, movie adaptations of his books, and his video game series (Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and Splinter Cell), Tom Clancy was a one-man empire of entertainment, and one of the most beloved figures throughout the armed forces due to his drive to get all his facts right and not misrepresent the military and those involved in military action.
Tags: tom clancy, rainbow six, ghost recon, splinter cell, the hunt for red october, putnam, tom clancy dead, tom clancy is dead at age 66, tom clancy deceased, obituaries, authors, tom clancy passed away, authors, ivan held, putnam, gp putnam, baltimore, maryland