Kira Kazantsev wins Miss America.
It’s yet another clean sweep for Miss New York. The name (and ethnicity) of the title holders keep changing, but the success does not. Last night in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Miss New York replaced Miss New York as the reigning Miss America after another successful pageant. That comes a year after Miss New York was replaced by Miss New York as reigning Miss America. Kira Kazantzev won the Miss America crown last night, replacing outgoing Miss America Nina Davuluri (who she also replaced as Miss New York). Davuluri replaced Mallory Hytes Hagan in 2013, who was also Miss New York.
This is the first time in pageant history one state has swept the Miss America title three years in a row, and with such vastly different women as champion. Well, not in the sense that they’re not all well-coached and tooth-bleached within an inch of their lives, just in that they look different from one another. For the talent portion, she sat cross-legged in the middle of the stage with a red cup, thumping and singing the Pharrell Williams hit “Happy” to the cup percussion. Kazantsev will go on to participate in the Miss World contest. Here’s hoping the third time is the charm for Miss New York and we finally break our Miss World drought. Even if not, she’s already made history, so may as well enjoy it.
There are more great images like the one above at the KC Star.
Tags: miss new york, miss america, kira kazantsev, miss america kira kazantsev, miss new york wins third miss america in a row, miss new york wins miss america, beauty contests, pharrell williams, happy, Atlantic City, New Jersey, New York