Red Bull gives you free Red Bull (or money).
If you’ve had Red Bull since 2002, then congratulations, you’re about to get a lawsuit settlement from a lawsuit you might not have known existed. As it turns out, Red Bull might have been exaggerating about the benefits of its product (including the giving of wings), and as such, rather than fight the legal eagles, Red Bull is going to take its wings and delicious new flavors over to the bank to withdraw a fat stack of cash while printing a fat stack of coupons to just give away to everyone who enjoys the taste of manic energy. Red Bull is settling a class-action lawsuit against them by giving customers either $10 cash or $15 in Red Bull.
If you’re looking to get what’s coming to you from Red Bull, then click over to the Red Bull Settlement website and fill out the claim form. If that’s too busy, then there are other ways to contact the settlement firm and get your $15 in sweet sweet Red Bull. You can email energydrinksettlement(at)gcginc(dot)com, fax a request to 844-553-1373, or write to Energy Drink Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 35123, Seattle, WA 98124-5123. All of these methods have to be done by March 2, 2015, or you’ll miss out on all the excitement. And by excitement, I mean caffeine and creativity.
Tags: red bull, red bull lawsuit, red bull lawsuit settlement, free red bull, free red bull or money in lawsuit settlement, red bull lawsuit settlement, energy drinks, energy drink lawsuit, class action lawsuit against red bull, unusual lawsuits, red bull lawsuit information, energydrinksettlement.com