Good news, people of Toronto! Your long civic nightmare is officially over. You’re no longer an international joke, fit only to be laughed at and mocked due to the buffoonish antics of your mayor! That’s right, Rob Ford is officially out as mayor of Toronto, and the nascent Ford dynasty is being brought to an end thanks to some good sense and recent elections. John Tory will be taking over as Mayor of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Tory won the election over the familiar-named Doug Ford, brother of Rob, and Olivia Chow, with 100 percent of the votes accounted for.
“Torontonians want to see an end to the division that has paralyzed city hall for the past four years, and to all that I say, ‘Toronto, I hear you. I hear you loud and clear,'” said Tory during his victory speech.
Tory took 40 percent of the votes, with Doug Ford acquiring 33 percent and Olivia Chow nabbing 23 percent. With the Fords safely away from the most important seat in the city of Toronto, Canada can get back to other things like wringing its collective hands over Justin Bieber and worrying about zombie accidents on movie sets. However, don’t count out Rob Ford just yet. He ran for the City Council seat of Etobicoke–once held by his brother–and promises to run for mayor again in 2018.
Tags: rob ford, doug ford, toronto, canada, mayor of toronto, toronto election results, doug ford loses toronto mayoral election, toronto mayor, john tory, olivia chow, john tory wins toronto mayoral election, politics, mayoral election for toronto, john tory is new mayor of toronto, Etobicoke