Here’s a gallery to check out, but fair warning — If the title means anything to you, then click though knowing that the images do it justice. It’s a fact: Birds can pose a threat to airplanes. That’s the reason why some high-traffic airports use hawks to scare away other feathered friends fiends. Of course they could have just gone with Bird Busters.
What you’ll encounter is a gallery of images portraying the aftermath of bird versus aircraft collisions. It ain’t pretty… But strangely enough, birds do seem to cause quite a bit of damage to multimillion dollar airplanes. If they don’t make contact with the windshield, then the chances of these unfortunate birds getting sucked into various vacuums goes up significantly. You know how driving down the interstate can be messy for your vehicle’s exterior? The same thing goes for jet pilots (even fighter jets).
Not even space-bound rocket ships are excluded. Click through for more, if you dare.

Tags: airplanes, birds, planes, collisions, hit, pictures, pics, images