It’s Friday afternoon. Everyone’s starting to slow down for the weekend. Who wants to start a project, have it sit for two days, then have to remember where you are Monday morning? Not me, that’s for sure. That’s why it’s time to consult the procrastination flow chart!Make sure you click on the image at Project Sidewalk, because it’s one of the funniest (and most truthful) things you’ll ever read about how cube dwellers waste time while trying to look productive. No matter how cool the office is, nobody likes to work too hard. However, if you’ve ever had a deadline on school assignments, freelance work, or even work around the house, you’ve done all these things too.You’re probably slacking off right now, aren’t you? You’ve got some spreadsheet or document open, while behind it you’re surfing the Internet for interesting stuff. It’s okay; everyone does it. We at PopFi are all about the pursuit of slack.Source: Neatorama
Tags: funny, chart, procrastination, procrastination flow chart, comedy, work humor, office life, office humor