This news is a little old, but it’s too cool not to pass along, especially given how awesome the images are. On August 31, the annual Great British Duck Race took place in London. Over 250,000 ducks were released into the River Thames, a new Guinness World Record for the most rubber ducks in one place.
The best part of the whole event is that it’s all for charity. Yes, the winning duck receives a hearty 10,000 British pounds, and 30 other ducks also receive prizes, but all the other proceeds get funneled into various charities throughout England. At 2 British pounds a duck, this year’s race undoubtedly raised a whole lot of money for over 447 charities around the world.
Pretty cool images, right? Rubber ducks in and of themselves are fun, but blue ducks just take the cake. A cool blue rubber ducky would be a great addition to any pimped-out bath tub. Just ask Mr. Rubber Duck himself!
Any excuse for a classic Sesame Street video is a good one.
Tags: rubber duck, great British duck race, Guinness world records, charities, rubber ducks, unusual charity events, fundraisers, rubber duck race, Ernie, rubber ducky song, sesame street, videos, image gallery, strange images