You know how some people are always down for a culinary adventure? I’m not. I like my food normal; eating can be an adventure, but let’s not go crazy like they do in some regions of the US. I also don’t like eggs, cheese, or mayo, so to most people I like my food weirdly plain, not just weird. Basically everything on this list of eight regional food trends is something I will never, ever eat. I don’t care how delicious it might be, just looking at the pictures has me This Is Why You’re Fat-level grossed out.
One of the things that amused me most was that whatever you gross regional food of choice, there’s always somewhere else in the world where other people also love it. Rocky Mountain Oysters are a cult favorite in Spain, where they’re called huevos del toros. Hawaii’s favorite, Spam musubi, is kind of like east Tennessee’s ham-filled California rolls.
Here in Kentucky, we have a few regional traditions: the mint julep (which I wouldn’t feed to a robot mouth because it’s awful), the Hot Brown, and delicious Derby Pie. Only one of the above foods I actually like, and I’m sure you can guess which one that is.
Tags: unusual food, regional food, unhealthy food, gross food, spam musubi, rocky mountain oysters