No, that’s not one of the Solid Gold dancers, or an outtake from a remake of Goldfinger. That’s an actual solid gold statue of supermodel Kate Moss made by British artist Marc Quinn. Worth a reported $2.7 million, the statue known as Siren is the largest all-gold statue since the days of the Ancient Egyptians. It’s one of the 11 unbelievable golden objects listed by Money Hacker, and unfathomably creepy even when compared to the gold statue of Turkmenistan’s former President, Saparmurat Niyazov.
It kind of makes you long for the days when all you saw was gold teeth and Mr. T chains, doesn’t it? I mean, I’m not a big fan of gold by itself, unlike the list of people above. I prefer silver, it feels… I don’t know, classier somehow? There are no sterling silver toilets out there (that I know of!), but gold is what grabs people’s attention. Gold sells and silver is only popular as werewolf repellent.
Tags: gold, unusual decorations, Kate Moss, Marc Quinn, Siren, unusual golden objects, gold statues, images, Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov