One of the problems with unusual pets is that they can be fairly expensive. For example, one of the hottest new pet trends is a £700 animal that stands only 14 inches tall and weighs, at most, 65 pounds. However, it’s intimately familiar to any fan of Babe, Charlotte’s Web, or Green Acres. They’re called teacup pigs, and they happen to be the most adorable pet craze I’ve seen in a long time. Pigs are smart, clean, hypo-allergenic, and won’t give you swine flu. Now that they’ve solved the size issue, they might be the perfect pet.
When I was younger, my uncle’s sister (I guess that makes her my aunt) and her husband had a pet Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. I forget his name, I just know he was an awesome companion. He lived in the house, slept in the bed with them, and ate dry pet food (I think it was cat food). He loved to be scratched behind the ears, and he was very friendly, even to a relative stranger. I’ve always kind of wanted a pet pig of my own, but the size was an issue. This might be just what the doctor (vet?) ordered.
Tags: teacup pigs, tiny pigs, unusual animals, pets, unusual pets, cute pictures, trends, micropigs