In Dunnellon, Florida, a domestic disturbance broke out during an otherwise nice dinner. You see, 53-year-old Elsie Egan offered her boyfriend a slice of bread. He wanted a dinner roll. Obviously, the temerity of this request was just too much for Ms. Egan, so she picked up a nearby piece of uncooked steak and smacked him upside the head with it.
Usually, you put steak ON a black eye, not use steak to cause a black eye. You don’t use a black and blue to make someone black and blue! I guess the man is lucky she didn’t grab the cutting board or a collander; you can do some real damage with kitchen utensils.
Do people just have no respect anymore? I mean, hitting your boyfriend or girlfriend is wrong, but using meat to hit your partner is just making things worse. That was a perfectly innocent cut of beef! All it wanted to do was marinate in the fridge for two hours, then get cooked medium well and served with a baked potato on the side!
Tags: Dunnellon, Florida, man hit by steak, girlfriend hits man with steak, assault with meat, Elsie Egan