Over the past 5 years or so, gift certificates have gone from a “I don’t know what to get you, but I feel like I have to get you something!” gift to an accepted, even welcomed present. After all, nobody shops better for you than you do, and in the event you don’t spend the gift certificate, the store will gladly keep your money in exchange for a worthless plastic card. However, there’s a very personal gift certificate that is all the rage in London, a divorce voucher from Lloyd Platt & Company.
For the low, low price of 125 pounds and a half-hour of your time, a lawyer from Vanessa Lloyd Platt’s firm will draw you up a quickie divorce decree. That’s half the cost of a normal divorce! The firm has sold 60, and will undoubtedly be adding this as a permanent part of their business. I just wonder if you save money by divorcing in bulk!
Image: Cafe Darkness
Tags: divorce vouchers, voucher for divorce, divorce gift certificates, unusual legal procedures, divorces, Lloyd Platt & Company, Vanessa Lloyd Platt, unusual legal documents