One of the things the old Soviet Union is famous for is their knock-offs of Western things. From cars to blue jeans, the Soviet engineers stole the designs of pretty much everything the US put out, assuming they could get their hands on it, of course. However, did the Soviets come up with a way to clone celebrities? This image gallery of amusing English/Russian celebrity lookalikes suggests they might have!
For example, that twosome up there are none other than blockbuster movie star Ben Affleck and former Russian president and the man who ended Communism, Boris Yeltsin. The nose is a little different, but the resemblance is as uncanny as that of Japanese Bruce Willis to Actual Bruce Willis! I have no idea who most of those Russians are, and even who some of the celebrities might be, but there’s definitely some uncanny likenesses on that list!
Tags: celebrity lookalikes, Russian celebrities who look like Hollywood celebrities, unusual lookalikes, clones, Ben Affleck, Boris Yeltsin