Robert Henderson had a great plan. Everyone wanted to see that hot new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, in theaters, right? Well, his plan was to sneak into the movie theater with his video camera, tape the movie, and then enter into the bootleg video business and sell pirated copies of The Dark Knight on DVD! It’s genius, right? Well, unlike The Joker, Henderson got caught, and his plan was foiled by authorities. As for his punishment? Try two years in jail, three years on probation, and $25,000 in fines.
In spite of the goofiness of their warning videos, illegal downloading is serious business. Like the RIAA and other organizations, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is serious about going after bootleggers, who they blame for the decline in physical media sales. Said Senior Vice President of Content Protection Mike Robinson, “This is an appropriate sentence for a very serious crime, and we hope it will serve as a warning to would-be movie thieves that they will face severe consequences for engaging in these activities.”
Tags: The Dark Knight, Motion Picture Association of America, MPAA, movie pirate, law and order, crime and punishment, movie pirate given two years in jail, Robert Henderson, Grandview, Missouri, movie pirate penalties, movie pirate given 000 fine, Mike Robinson