In 2006, Mary Robbins did what a lot of people have done: she signed papers saying she wants her brain frozen and preserved for future generations, in case the ability to bring her back to life is ever discovered. Lots of people have made this deal with the cryonics non-profit firm Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona. However, Mary’s daughter Darlene is saying Mary changed her mind a few years ago and, as such, she wants her mother’s frozen head back. Oh, and the $50,000 per year payment that comes along with mom’s Popsicle skull.
Mary did sign that paperwork, but Darlene maintains that Mary changed her mind in her last days and signed over new paperwork that says her family gets the $50,000 per annum payment. Alcor’s suggestion that the family keep the body and they keep the frozen head was rejected. Probably because the body doesn’t come with a cash prize.
I wonder: what the family would do with the frozen head of their grandmother? Keep it in the freezer next to the waffles and the cat?
Tags: family battle for relative’s frozen head, Mary Robbins, Alcor Life Extension Foundation, Darlene Robbins, family and nonprofit battle for rights to frozen head, Darlene Robbins, Colorado Springs, Colorado