Watching a 3-D movie is so passe, isn’t it? Viewing movies in IMAX 3-D is just so… 2009. I need new thrills, because I’m bored and jaded by everything. Enter the world’s first permanent 4-D movie theater. Seoul Theater, in Seoul, South Korea, has teamed with an unnamed US animation studio and Wonderworld Studios to present hit movies like Avatar in 4-D. That means when it rains, you feel the rain. When something explodes, you smell the smoke. It’s the most realistic movie experience possible (at least until someone invents virtual reality movies).
I believe John Waters was the first person to have a smelling-based movie, but he didn’t incorporate rain, motion seats, 3-D video, and surround sound. Just a card with scratch-and-sniff smells on it, most of them objectionable. Worst of all, you had to follow cues on screen, scratch, and sniff at the right moments. This way, you don’t have to do anything but sit back and passively let the movie happen to you. And at $15.80 per ticket, it’s actually slightly less expensive than I thought it’d be!
Image: io9
Tags: Seoul Theater, Seoul, South Korea, 4-D movies, movie gimmicks, Wonderworld Studios, Avatar, realistic movie simulations